Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My baby's life...

I was born in 1988…23rd April 88.. berat aku masa lahir 3.5kg..gemuk kan..hahahah...time mengandungkan aku, mak aku mengidam pau kacang..terpaksalah bapak aku mum said that I was the one yg ssh sangat nak keluar sbb my kepala was so big..hehehe. if u all can see from my picture, my head bigger than my body =p That’s why time mymum branakkan, memang sakit sangat…my skin color ikut color skin my dad..hitam manis..yeah.. I don’t even care if people said yang aku ni hitam ke apa ke..but for me hitam tu proud with my color skin..time baby, I love crying to mum pun macam apasal ko ni asik menangis je.. but bila dah masuk 6 hingga 8 bulan, I don’t cry too much mcm first lahir.. tp time baby I really love to eat… always nangis sebab nak makan… hehehe… that’s why I’m getting fat day by day… =) but time baby mana fikir diet kan.. so sumbat je lah.. my mum said smpai berapa bulan je minum susu gantung.. Lepas tu just minum susu botol..Im more to susu tepung..Sampai sekarang pun still suka minum susu tepung.. hee.. That’s why susu is the first and basiz words that I often said…hehehe.. If nampak abah or mak the words come from my mouth is susu.. No other words than susu.. that time pun baby lagi.. so paling senang nak sebut is susu..YES !! I need susu everytime.. I mean every minute.. kalau boleh la…hehehe… Bila buat susu tepung ni, saya lagi prefer my abah yang buatkan.. Memang yummy =) my mum buat pun sedap tp just cukup-cukup sukatan je… If abah buatkan memang terlebih rasa.. itu yang buat sedap… Miss to drink milk in the bottle.. Sudah masuk setahun dua, I started to talk but not so properly.. just a basic words.. time tu pun kecil lagi … so cakap pun orang lain tak faham.. only my parents and sister yang faham.. I love watched cartoon’s when I was a baby.. my mum said memang bila sudah pasang tv and keluar cerita cartoon diorang dah tak boleh tengok cerita lain.. if tukar channel lain mesti menangis punya.. hehehehe..
Teletubbies is my favorite show.. Even time tu tak faham pun apa words dalam cerita tu, but still enjoy.. sebab that show sangat cute.. suitable for baby or toddler.. Masuk 2 tahun, saya sudah mula suka meminta.. Suka minta mak buatkan susu even my mum susah macam mana pun that time.. saya nak juga susu.. hehehe.. Bila sudah dapat susu, terus diam then tidur.. heee.. That’s my baby life. .. =)

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